Psychologically Informed Consultancy
I integrate extensive experience as a psychotherapist with my work as a CIPD qualified Learning and Development consultant. I have successfully combined both areas of experience to specialise in psychology at work issues
Over the last 10 years, I have worked with businesses and organisations in the public, private and charitable sectors
I have experience across all aspects of the learning needs cycle to design, deliver and evaluate training. I specialise in programmes with a psychological, interpersonal or communications element. I am a member of CIPD and International Stress Management Association.
- Helping to create organisational wellbeing policies and practices
- Advising on human factors during crisis management
- Developing Human Resilience and stress management Programmes
- Trauma & Critical Incidents
- Developing Resources, Toolkits & Trauma Curriculums
- Supporting families following critical incidents
- Facilitation for Trauma Informed Environments
- Developing organisational Learning strategy
- Positive leadership coaching
- Auditing and Report writing specialising in employee engagment and wellbeing areas
- Supervision and Reflective Practice for staff teams
- Conflict mediation
- Appreciative Inquiry facilitation including design of team awaydays
- Co-facilitated brand workshops with a Brand consultant
- Maintaining Resilience & stress management
- Understanding Trauma
- Staff supporter/emotional first aid for critical incidents at work
- Managing Difficult Situations
- Harrassment & Bullying / Dignity at work practices
- Mental health issues in the workplace
- Mentoring and Coaching programmes
- Managing difference
- Counselling and coaching skills for managers
- Communication skills
- Facilitation of focus groups & action learning sets
- Management development training
ACE Primary Care Groups, Barking Productions, Barnardos, Better Finglas, Cause & Effect Marketing, CentreComms, CIPD In-company Solutions, Edventure Frome, EJT Associates, European Central Bank, Eutelmed, First Buses, Financial Services Authority, Human Resilience, Kids Clubs Network, London Fire Brigade, Mind in Ealing, The Model (Sligo, Ireland), St Mungo’s, National Endowment for Science Technology & the Arts, Pret a Manger, The Prince’s Trust, The Post Office, P&O Nedlloyd, Renault UK, The Tisserand Institute, University of Bath